- December 20, 2024:
Opening of registrations - May 9, 2025:
Closing of registrations
- Friday, May 23, 2025:
Preliminary operations + briefing - Saturday, May 24, 2025:
– 05:30 AM: Start
– 04:30 PM: Opening of arrivals
– 08:00 PM: Closing of arrivals
1.1 – The MOTOTREK500 2024 event is an EXPERIMENTAL MOTORAID organized by Moto Club Pavia according to the 2025 Mototourism Regulations of the Italian Motorcycling Federation. This annex is considered an integral part of the Specific Regulations. For anything not specified in this annex, the rules of the aforementioned regulations under the heading Sport Tourism / Motoraid apply.
1.2 – The event is of a tourist nature and is not competitive; it will take place on paved roads open to normal vehicular traffic and the public. All participants are required to strictly comply with the Highway Code. The organization reserves the unquestionable right to exclude at any time participants who behave incorrectly or dangerously for themselves or others, who commit violations of the Highway Code, or whose behavior jeopardizes the success of the event. In case of exclusion from the event for violations of the regulations, the participant will not be entitled to any refund and/or compensation.
1.3 – Registration is open to adult (aged over 18) motorcyclists of any nationality, members of a Moto Club of the Italian Motorcycling Federation with a 2025 FMI Member card. No medical certification is required.
1.4 – Passenger transport is not allowed.
1.5 – Participation is open to pre-formed teams consisting of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 motorcyclists, even from different Moto Clubs and riding motorcycles also of different brands and models. A maximum of 100 participants is allowed. The organization reserves the right to refuse the registration of participants deemed unsuitable for participation for any reason, without having to justify the reason.
1.6 – Participation is possible with any motorcycle that is properly registered and compliant with the current Highway Code regulations, with a displacement over 100 cc.
1.7 – Only the TOURIST CLASS is established; no other classes are provided.
1.8 – No Time Controls or skill tests are provided. Only transit controls called “stations” and “ghost” stamp controls are provided according to these regulations.
1.9 – No rankings or awards are provided; upon arrival, the FINISHER medal will be awarded to the team members who have completed the route within the times set by the organization and have passed through all the stations and all the flying controls.
1.10 – If one of the team members withdraws from the event or fails to complete the transit at the stations, the remaining team members can complete the route, but they will not receive the FINISHER medal.
2.1 – MOTOTREK500 takes place in a single stage with a total distance between 450 and 500 kilometers, starting and finishing in Varzi (PV) Italy.
2.2 – The route will mainly develop on paved roads (max. 5% dirt roads) to be covered at an average speed of 34 km/h according to the FMI Motoraid Regulations.
2.3 – The itinerary will be indicated through the WHIP.LIVE application (www.whip.live) usable on smartphones with Android or iOS operating systems. The installation of the app is mandatory for participation as well as its activation during the entire event.
2.4 – Participants must independently equip themselves with a smartphone to be securely mounted on the motorcycle.
2.5 – The track on WHIP.LIVE will also contain indications of fuel stations along the route and in its vicinity. A range of at least 120 kilometers is required.
2.6 – The itinerary will be presented in detail during the briefing.
2.7 – The detection of transits at the stations will be carried out digitally through the WHIP.LIVE app.
3.1 – Registrations open on 20 december 2024 and close on 9 may 2025 or upon reaching the maximum number of participants allowed. The registration request must be submitted via a specific online form prepared by the organization on the website www.mototrek.it.
3.2 – The individual entry fee amounts to:
- €170.00 for riders who register by February 28, 2025
- €185.00 for riders who register from March 1 to May 9, 2025
Registration for the event entitles you to:
- Participation in the event
- Account for full use of the WHIP app during the event
- Adhesive plates for the motorcycle
- T-Shirt
- Gadget
- FINISHER MOTOTREK 500 2024 medal in case of documented transit at all stations provided by the regulations.
- Welcome aperitif
- End-of-event refreshment
3.3 – Registration does NOT include: mandatory FMI membership, fuel, meals, and anything not expressly indicated in the previous paragraph 3.2.
3.4 – Registration is not transferable to others. In case of withdrawal, the participant must notify via PEC to the address asfaltoepolvere@pec.it. Withdrawal communicated by 10 may 2025 entitles the participant to a refund of the fee paid minus xx€ for administrative expenses. Withdrawal communicated after 10 may 2025 does not entitle the participant to any refund.
3.5 – The participant is required to attend the Preliminary Operations and the briefing. Failure to attend will be considered a withdrawal and renunciation of participation without refund.
4.2 – The organization will provide its own patrols along the route for adequate monitoring of the correct conduct of the event. These patrols may provide support, if and where possible, to participants only and exclusively along the route indicated by the WHIP.LIVE application.
4.4 – During the event, each participant must have with them a charged and functioning mobile phone with the number indicated at the time of registration. The phone must be equipped with the application referred to in point 2.3.
4.5 – If the participant decides to abandon the event, they must promptly notify the organization by calling the specific number that will be indicated during the briefing.
4.6 – In case of a stationary vehicle, the organization may provide support to the participant where possible; however, for any need, the participant must refer to the assistance provided by the tow truck coverage provided by the FMI Member card.
5.1 – During the preliminary operations, the organization will provide each participant with one or more 20×20 cm stickers bearing the event logo and any sponsors, which must be visibly applied to the motorcycle. Failure to apply may result in a ban on starting.
6.1 – Up to two teams will start every minute starting at 5:30 AM on 24 may 2025. The start time of each participant will be communicated by posting on the official notice board.
6.2 – Each participant must present themselves at the starting line at the scheduled time; any delay of more than 15 minutes will be considered abandonment without refund.
7.1 – Along the route, 20 WP stations will be provided, whose transit will be detected through the WHIP.LIVE application. In some cases, a supplementary stamp will be required at locations, bars, or similar along the route.
7.2 – Up to 10 “ghost” controls not indicated by the track in the application will also be carried out by the organization staff.
8.1 – Participation in MOTOTREK500 implies unconditional acceptance of these regulations and any additional rules that the organization reserves the right to introduce, which will take precedence over the regulations themselves.
8.2 – By requesting registration, participants release Moto Club Pavia, Scuderia Asfalto&Polvere, the organization in general, and all staff, sponsoring entities, and all without any exclusion, from any and all liability for damages or inconveniences that may arise to them or third parties, to third-party property as a result of the event and their participation in it, including along the route to the start and/or from another location along the route. By participating, they intend to waive any recourse and any appeal to authorities in advance.
8.3 – By signing the registration form, the participant expressly authorizes the organization, for the purposes of direct or derived dissemination of MOTOTREK500, as well as for any promotional communication and advertising action, to use free of charge the images, fixed and/or in motion, that portray them, as well as to use their name and/or pseudonym. The participant also authorizes the organizers to transfer to their institutional and/or commercial partners the rights to use the image and their name and/or pseudonym provided for in this agreement. This authorization to use their image and name and/or pseudonym is granted indefinitely, in compliance with the laws, regulations, judicial and/or arbitration decisions of each country, and the treaties in force and/or future, and without territorial limits worldwide, for use in publications and various films, including, by way of example and not limited to, promotional and/or advertising materials made on all media.
8.4 – In the event that the event cannot take place, for any reason, including, by way of example, the failure to obtain authorizations from local authorities and/or the FMI, economic impediments that make organization impossible, insurmountable travel problems, riots, etc., the organization will not be liable to participants except for the amounts of registration fees paid.
8.5 – For anything not provided for in these regulations, the current FMI regulations (Mototourism and R.M.M. specialty regulations) apply as applicable.